CPLT is a biennial interdisciplinary conference for chemists and physicists interested in low temperature systems. The CPLT conference series resulted from the merger of two long-standing international conferences: the Gordon Conference on the Chemistry and Physics of Matrix-Isolated Species and the International Conference on Low Temperature Chemistry.
Topics :
– Reactive and unstable species, radicals, intermediates
– Photochemistry
– Atmospheric & astrochemical species, astrochemical ices
– Biomolecules in matrices and jet-cooled beams
– Quantum hosts, New methods and applications
– Tunneling & dynamics
– Ultracold molecules
– Cryosynthesis, materials, clathrates
– Theory helping cryogenic studies
Conference history
2013: Jyväskylä, Finland (Mika Pettersson and Jan Lundell)
2014: Suzdal, Russia (Vladimir Feldman and Tatyana Shabatina)
2016: Biarritz, France (Joëlle Mascetti, Claudine Crépin, and Stéphane Coussan)
2022: Visegrád, Hungary (György Tarczay and Gábor Magyarfalvi)
2024: Nisekto, Japan (Naoki Watanabe and Masashi Tsuge)
Invited speakers
- tba
Abstract submission deadline: May 15th (oral), May 15th (poster) [Abstract Template]
Notification of acceptance: May 31st
Registration deadline (early bird): Jun 7th
Registration deadline (final, no exceptions, surcharge 50 Euros, participation only): Jun 30
Note: The number of participants is limited.

Registration and conference fee
Registration for the conference will be opened early 2026. The conference fee will include access to the conference and poster symposium, the welcome reception (sunday), lunches (monday-thursday), beer&bbq during poster session (monday), participation in the excursion (tuesday; for more information, see below) and the conference dinner (wednesday). In addition, it covers banking and other adminstrative fees. For your convenience, the conference package will also include tickets for public transportation to bring you to campus and back to the hotel.
The conference fee will be independent of the participants’ career levels or the type of contribution. Special prices will be available for accompanying persons, but there will not be a special program for accompanying persons. However, we are happy to make suggestions for a great stay in the Ruhr area.
A tentative schedule is available as pdf: <TentativeSchedule.pdf> Note that there will be a thursday afternoon session and we kindly ask all participants already at this time not to leave too early and to participate in the conference program until the end.
The registration is a two-step process: First you submit your personal details, organizational things and, if desired, your abstract. Afterwards, we provide you a link to the university payment system to transfer the conference fee. Only when the conference fee is paid, your registration is complete.

The location
The CPLT2026 will be held at the campus of the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB). The Ruhr University is reached from the city center by tram line U35 within about 15 minutes. The campus is home to about 42000 students, 2000 of them being enrolled in chemistry programmes. The Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry with its 32 professors and their groups conducts cutting-edge research in Confinement Controlled Chemistry, Sustainable Chemistry, Bio-, Electro- and Materials Chemistry. The Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (“Ruhr Explores SOLVation”) focuses on Solvation Science and explores the role of solute-solvent interactions on various aspects of chemistry.

Bochum is located in one of the most vivid areas of Germany, the Ruhrgebiet. With Bochum in its center, the Ruhrgebiet is a fusion of several big cities in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia, with Dortmund, Essen, and Duisburg being the biggest ones. All cities share a common history in coal mining. You will experience this history during our conference excursion, which brings us to the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Zeche Zollverein”, an old mining site turned into a museum. You can dive deeper into the region’s mining history by visiting the German Mining Museum in Bochum. Nowadays, the Ruhrgebiet is a cultural hot spot, offering many events throughout the summer. One of the most important places to visit in Bochum city center is the Bermuda3eck (Bermuda triangle) with its many bars and restaurants.
There will be a choice of either of two excursions.
Excursion A will bring you to the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Zeche Zollverein” (https://www.zollverein.de/), an old mining site turned into a museum. A guided tour will guide you through the historic side and give you authentic insights to the way black coal took from the moment coming over ground, through a refining and cleaning procedure, and before finally being loaded on train coaches for transportation to steel and energy production facilities. In addition, you will visit the “Ruhr Museum”, giving you insights into the live of coal miners and the history of our region. Please note, the guided tour in the former mines’ towers involves a staircase with 300 steps and several tripping hazards.
Excursion B will also let you experience the mining history of the Ruhr area You will visit the German mining museum (https://www.bergbaumuseum.de/) and its authentic underground mine replica. The museum showcases tools and mining technique of several decades, gives information on geology of the region. The finale of the tour is a visit of the museums mining tower, which is accessible by elevator.
During the registration process you can choose, which excursion you want to participate in.
Getting to Bochum
Bochum is easy to reach by train and plane. The nearest airport is Düsseldorf (DUS), from where you have frequent train connection to Bochum main station (Bochum Hbf). DUS-Bochum is about 40 minutes by train. Likewise, there are frequent trains running from all major German cities to Bochum (Frankfurt 1.5-2 hours, Munich 6 hours, Berlin 4 hours). If you need help in planning your trip, let us know.
There are plenty of hotel in Bochum. We recommend staying in the city center near the main station, as there is a frequently operating tram connection (line U35) that brings you straight to the campus within less then 15 minutes. We have made contingent reservations for hotel rooms at Mercure Hotel Bochum (4*) and Ibis Zentrum Bochum (3*).
Using the booking reference “VOA8”, you can make reservations by email at Mercure (single room 93 Euro per night; reservierung.bochum@eventhotels.com) or Ibis (single room 75 Euro per night; H1440@accor.com). Other rooms on request directly via the websites. The contingents are available until fully booked, latest July 3rd, 2024.
Sponsorship Opportunities
As an exhibitor at CPLT2026, you can present your services and products to a knowledgeable and motivated international audience. If you are interested in exhibiting at CPLT2026, please contact us at cplt2026@mertenlab.de to learn more about the available sponsorship packages. There are a variety of opportunities to become involved in this event and we look forward to working with you to find a suitable level of involvement and sponsorship that fits the needs of your company.
International Committee
Jay Amicangelo (USA)
Wutharath Chin (France)
Stéphane Coussan (France)
Vladimir Feldman (Russia)
Wolfgang Jäger (Canada)
Christian Merten (Germany)
Sonia Melandri (Italy)
Takamasa Momose (Canada)
Igor Reva (Portugal)
Sebastian Riedel (Germany)
György Tarczay (Hungary)
Klaus von Haeften (UK)
Tomonari Wakabayashi (Japan)
Naoki Watanabe (Japan)